
Secretary:  Valerie Garant
Telephone: 519-344-5167
Fax: 519-491-9897
Mailing Address: 248 Vidal Street North, Sarnia ON N7T 5Y4

Our secretary will be away from the office from February 19 until March 19. During that time, office hours will be Wednesday and Fridays from 10:00 a.m. until noon.

We would very much love to hear from you, whether you are looking for a church to join or are just curious about us. Please feel free to call the office or to use the contact form below. In the alternate, you could email the church by clicking the hyperlink above. However you decide to reach out to us, we will be here waiting for you!

    The red pin shows where All Saints’ Anglican Church is located. We have a parking lot behind the church, and there is a municipal parking lot across the street from our front door that is currently free to use on the weekend.