8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Joint Services
Canon Davis Memorial Church
Bulletin: To be provided by Canon Davis upon your arrival
Announcements: Week of Sunday 16 March
Our Priest’s Weekly Letter: The Temptation in the Wilderness
Please see our contact page for our temporary office hours
All Saints’ Anglican Parish is a caring church family that worships God in reverence and wonder. We serve God and our neighbours through music, liturgy, support, and outreach.
The All Saints’ Parish family is caring,
generous and appreciative,
and invites you to join us for worship!
We are located at the intersection of Vidal Street North and Charlotte Street in Sarnia in a large High Victorian structure that is treasured. Our parish was formed through the amalgamation of St George’s, Sarnia; St John’s, Sarnia; and Christ Church, Corunna.
Our Sunday energy is focused on our worship services at 8:00 a.m., which is a traditional-language said-service, and at 10:30 a.m., which is a choral service. We enjoy fellowship during our coffee hour after the second service. Our worship is directed towards learning to be aware of God’s love, which is available to us through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice at Calvary, and God’s acceptance of His sacrifice for us by raising him from the dead.
Through the rest of the week, our energy is focused on activities that provide opportunities for parishioners and outside friends to increase our bonding in God’s love through work and play together through such activities as Bible study, a walking club, a book club, cards and board games, Bible crossword, and workshops on topics of interest to the congregation. An important part of our parish life is to provide outreach and support to the community, most notably through our work with the Inn of the Good Shepherd and our sponsorship of self-help groups.
To read more about us, please visit the various pages in this website, which is always a work in progress, or click here to be taken to the “ABOUT” page.
Painting supra: Jane Hunter pinxit.
See the bulletin for more details
Anyone and everyone who is interested is welcome to join us for these events!
► Sunday 16 March
8:00 am — Holy Eucharist, Canon Davis Memorial
10:30 am — Holy Eucharist, Canon Davis Memorial
► Monday 17 March
1:30 pm — ACW Meeting, Parish House
7:00 pm — Group Meeting, Basement
► Tuesday 18 March
11:00 am — Walking Group to meet at the animal park parking lot in Canatara
12:30 pm — Lunch, following the walk, at Skeeter Barlow’s, 2713 Old Lakeshore Rd, Brights Grove; what3words /// bossy.revenue.subdued
7:00 pm — Bluewater Chordsmen, Parish Hall
► Wednesday 19 March
10:00 — Bible Study, Rectory
7:00 pm — Bible Study, Rectory
► Thursday 20 March
10:30 am — Wardens’ Meeting, Rectory
3:00 pm — Choir Practice
► Friday 21 March
8:00 pm — Group Meeting, Parish Hall
► Saturday 22 March
9:00 am → 1:00 pm — Baking meat and fruit pies, and quiche, for the baked goods sale with all supplies provided; volunteers need only arrive eager and ready to bake!
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► Sunday 23 March
8:00 am & 10:30 am — Joint Services at All Saints’
► Friday 28 March
5:00 pm — The Slice, venue TBD
6:30 pm — Hymn Sing, Parish House
► Saturday 29 March
9:00 am → 1:00 pm — Baked Goods Sale, Parish Hall
► Friday 11 April
7:00 pm — Creative Word, Rectory
► Monday 14 April
1:30 pm — Bible Crossword, Rectory
► Thursday 17 April
7:00 pm — Maundy Thursday Service, All Saints’
► Friday 18 April
12:00 pm — Good Friday Service, All Saints’
► Saturday 19 April
6:30 pm — Holy Saturday Easter Vigil, All Saints’
► Monday 21 April
1:30 pm — ACW Meeting, Parish House
► Saturday 26 April
ACW Annual Meeting, Church of the Ascension, London
✨ Stand by for details regarding the rescheduling of the all-important baking activity that was to have taken place during the morning of Saturday 15 March. This event has been cancelled due to a funeral that will take place during the same block of time. ✨
STILL BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND: The third instalment in the much vaunted workshop series entitled “My Smartphone Hates Me” will take place on a date not yet determined. Now that we all know where we are at in our understanding of our devices, and now that the second workshop has taken place with great success, the third workshop will begin to dive more deeply into the intricacies of our various smartphones . Don’t forget to bring your passwords and, if you have an iPhone, feel free to bring your iPad as well. After all, we wouldn’t want your iPad to feel left out! If you didn’t join us the first or second time but would like to come along, please do. Any and all, whether of this parish or not, are welcome to attend. Watch this space for the time and date. Until we meet again!
A very well attended Annual Vestry Meeting occurred after our main service on Sunday 9 February. Anticipation was running high as those in attendance were looking forward with high hopes for good news from our wardens and other officers. After various reports from committees were attended to, we finally received the news for which we were all holding our collective breaths: a balanced budget, and our treasurer did not disappoint us. After a few years of red ink, we were presented with a very attainable balanced budget. Raucous cheering could be heard for blocks around as parishioners celebrated this good news. Hearty thanks were offered to our wardens and wardens emerita, to members of Parish Council, and to the treasurer and the members of our Finance Committee as we basked in the glow of a lot of hard work on the part of so many. Congratulations were offered all around as the meeting broke up in jubilation, and one and all left with high spirits, some singing a Te Deum.
Beginning Sunday 5 January
On Sunday 24 November, Canon Davis Memorial, St Paul’s Point Edward, St Bartholomew’s and All Saints’ decided to take part in hosting weekly services for each other for a period of time on a rotational basis in order to become better acquainted with each other as we discern a possible way forward together. As of Sunday 5 January, St Paul’s Point Edward will no longer be part of the mix. As a result, the following is the revised schedule of joint services for January through March:
► Sunday 5 January at Canon Davis Memorial>
► Sunday 12 January at All Saints’
► Sunday 19 January: Each parish toworship at its own church
► Sunday 26 January at St Bartholomew’s
► Sunday 2 February at Canon Davis Memorial
► Sunday 9 February at one’s own church
► Sunday 16 February at All Saints’
► Sunday 23 February at St Bartholomew’s>
► Sunday 2 March at Canon Davis Memorial
► Sunday 9 March at All Saints’
► Sunday 16 March at Canon Davis Memorial
► Sunday 23 March at All Saints’
► Sunday 30 March at Canon Davis Memorial
An electronic copy of this schedule can be located here. Where the schedule reads “Paul”, please substitute “Karen”.
Saturday 29 March
from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. in Parish Hall
After countless Saturdays of baking, baking and baking, our intrepid team of parishioners has prepared a vast assortment of all manner of edibles to be sold to one and all on Saturday 29 March and this falls immediately upon the heels of our sell-out ham dinner! As the poster below shows, there will be meat pies, fruit pies, quiche, cookies, squares, muffins and fruit loaves available for purchase. If this baked goods sale is anything like the last one, you will need to arrive in a timely fashion in order to ensure that your preferences have not already been sold to someone else. Those interested in helping out on an upcoming Saturday from nine until noon are more than welcome. All supplies will be provided, although you will likely wish to bring your favourite apron. Here is the final countdown baking schedule: 8 March, baking cookies; 15 March, baking loaves and muffins; 22 March, baking meat and fruit pies, and quiche. If you are a non-baker but would like to perform other kitchen duties, your services will absolutely be valued. If your interest is in eating baked goods, be sure to come on Saturday 29 March between 9a.m. and 1 p.m. in support of our parish. Please direct all questions to Heather Norwood by calling the church at 519.344.5167 or in person on Sunday.
Canon Davis Memorial Church
Tuesday 4 March
This year, All Saints’ was thrilled to support Canon Davis Memorial as we celebrated Shrove Tuesday with them and ravenously devoured their pancake supper, which featured real maple syrup. Some of our members volunteered for clean-up duty after the feast, which was enjoyed by a great many members of All Saints’. A good time was had by all as we prepared ourselves for Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Thanks are offered to the good folk of Canon Davis Memorial for putting on this wonderful meal.
Sunday 9 March
In a very moving service, St Bartholomew’s Anglican Church was deconsecrated on Sunday 9 March during a mid-afternoon service that was led by Rt Rev’d Todd Townshend. Clergy, parishioners and friends from local parishes were all present. The service included choral communion, a wonderful talk on the magnificent history of the parish, and a moving service of deconsecration. The parishioners of All Saints’ Parish wish the members of St Bartholomew’s all the very best as they determine their future within the Anglican community of Sarnia-Lambton.
Wednesday 12 March
Another wonderful workshop on smartphone-ology took place on Wednesday 12 March. This time, the focus was on texting, passwords, safe Internet browsing, and “purchasing” apps from the App Store. A hardy and intrepid group of learners enjoyed tea, coffee and snacks, and then got down to work at becoming masters of their respective smartphones. Many thanks are offered to Kathy and Peter, who dove in in support of the presenter in assisting learners of three different makes of smartphones. Because the material being presented is very much participant-driven, missing one workshop does not mean that the next one cannot be attended, but it also means that the agenda must be fluid in order to respond to the needs of the learners. As was the case with this workshop, any and all, whether of this parish or not, are welcome to attend future workshops. If you were a participant in this first or second workshop and left feeling overwhelmed, do not despair! This sort of learning does take time, patience and perseverance, but, rest assured, you will get there! Until the next time…